Swedish Court Reduces Kindred Group Subsidiary Penalty for Bonus Rule Breach

A court in Sweden has decreased the penalty levied on a Kindred Group subsidiary operating in the gambling sector.

The subsidiary, known as Spooniker, was originally handed a 100 million Swedish kronor (approximately $9.5 million) penalty in 2020 for breaching bonus rules during 2019. The Swedish Gaming Authority (SGA) asserted that specific promotional activities conducted by Spooniker should have been categorized as bonuses according to the legal framework. Kindred contested this understanding but adhered to the SGA’s directives and implemented adjustments to its product offerings.

Aiming to obtain further elucidation regarding the interpretation of the updated legislation, Kindred contested the ruling. This resulted in a reduction of the penalty to 50 million Swedish kronor. In a recent turn of events, the court further diminished the fine to 30 million Swedish kronor.

Notwithstanding the reduction, Kindred maintains that the regulations lack precision and are susceptible to varying interpretations. The company contends that the penalty should be entirely rescinded.

At the beginning of this month, the Chinese government revealed a pair of fresh regulations designed to tackle fraudulent goods and illicit commercial operations. These measures form part of a broader effort to enhance business conduct and foster confidence among shoppers.

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By Dominic "Diablo" Wilkinson

With a Bachelor's degree in Statistics and a Master's in Data Science, this skilled writer has a passion for using statistical and data science techniques to uncover hidden patterns and insights in gambling data and to develop data-driven strategies for improving the efficiency and profitability of casino operations. They have expertise in machine learning, data mining, and predictive analytics, which they apply to the analysis of large and complex gambling datasets and the development of predictive models and algorithms for optimizing casino performance. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a data-driven perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to leverage the power of data for the benefit of players and operators.

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